Volume VIII

S.No. Article Name Author Page no.
1. Editor’s Note 1-3
Empirical research
2. Effect of Yoga on Attention and Concentration in Primary School Students Sadhana Dauneria & Chitra Subramanian 5-13
3. A Study onthe Effect of ChandrayanaVrata and Yoga – As a Therapy tool in modern Era Rangappa & K. Krishna Sharma 14-17
4. Study on Yoga Intervention along with Diet on Hypothyroidism Associated with Obesity among Sedentary Working Women in West Bengal Swapan Banerjee 18-23
5. Assessment of Yoga Therapy on Estrogen Hormone – A Case Study Rashmitha & K.Krishna Sharma 24-28
6. Assessment of Yoga Therapy in Women with Anaemic Condition K Krishna Sharma & Rashmitha 29-33
7. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Yoga among Medical Students in Andhra Pradesh Srinivaas Ankamreddy, Samson Sanjeeva Rao Nallapu & TSR Sai 34-41
8. The Assessmentchandrayana Vrata And Yogic Practicess On Obese Women K. Krishna Sharma & Rangappa 42-47
9. Effects of Yogatherapy on Menstrual Disorders in Paramedical Hostel Students K Krishna Sharma & Savitha 48-52
10. A Comparative Study of Yoga and Gym Practitioners on Positive and Negative Affects and Psychological Well- Being Ruchi Singh & Akbar Husain 53-56
Literary Research
11. Yoga in Allergic Respiratory Disorders : From Known to Unknown Parin N Parmar 57-64
12. An assessment on the Role of Psychological factors for the Manifestation of Various Disease Conditions with Special Reference to Classical Texts
Logeshwari. K & R. S. Jeladharan 65-70
12. Yoga for Social and Global Transformation Ajay Bhardwaj 71-76
13. Yoga and Human Excellence Kamakhya Kumar 77-81


Issue 2

S.No. Article Name Author Page no.
1. Editors Note 83
Empirical research
2. Immediate Effect of Vaman Dhauti on Tridosa (As Measured by Nadi Tarangini) – A Pre-Post Control Study Fu Wenyi1, Padmasri Gudapti2, P.Venkata Giri Kumar3 85-89
3. Immediate Effect of Practice Of Advanced Set of Asanas And Basic Set of Asanas on Subtle Energy Homeostasis and Stress Relief – A Self As Control Study
Shu Chang, Padmasri G 90-98
4. Add-on Effects of Different Yoga Mat Materials on The Subtle Energy Outcomes of Yoga Practices Srihari Maiti, Dr.B. Ragavendrasamy, Dr. Rajesh S.K 99-106
5. Meditation As An Intervention For Smartphone Distractions Anjali Mehta 107-120
6. Effect Of Memt And Msrt On Psycho Physiological Variables In Elderly Persons In Old Age Home – A Pre-Post Control Study Renuka P, Padmasri G 121-125
7. Role of yoga in Concentration, Attention, and Memory of B.Ed StudentTeachers Ravikumar N G 126-129
8. Effect of Sukshma Vyayamas and Pranaymas in Aartav Dushti Dr. Chaudhary Leena Manish 130-135
Literary Research
9. Is Yoga Cultural Appropriation? Danielle Thompson-Ochoa 136-140
10. Shrimad Bhagwadgeeta & Spiritual Psychology Dr. Vikas Kapoor 141-147
11. “Bhagavad Gita” and “Yoga” Dr. Dantu Muralikrishna 148-151